Es bedarf nicht vieler Worte, lasst einfach die Fotos auf Euch wirken. Es war das erste Mal fuer Tyler im Swimmingpool und nicht nur ihm hat es gefallen, sondern auch uns und den Wuffels.
I don't have to say much, just look at the pictures. It was the first time for Tyler in the swimming pool and not only himself, but also us and the doggies had a good time.
So cute, glad he wasn't scared! Wow I can't wait to leave HK and have a pool!!!
AntwortenLöschenmeanwhile, they really don't have any safety fences, etc there do they?! Australian Swim Safety Paranoia :p
Idah xx
Hi Idah,
LöschenThanks for your comment and no they don't really have any safety gates here. That's why we decided in the water as early as possible and teach him how to swim before he can even walk haha. Or you could try and find a house without pool, but almost all houses in Samui have one. Other option is to send little one out with life jacket on in the beginning, that's what we gonna do.